TEC cooler peltier for alma lasers soprano ICE handle piece
When you have Alma lasers soprano ICE handle, you may meet the problem of the cooling spot not good. In the recent years, Soprano Ice is not as good quality as alma lasers former generations. So you may want to find a good solution to do the replacement of laser handle piece Soprano ICE.
Diodelasertech can not only repair and replace the soprano ice handle piece diode inside, also we can replace the TEC cooler peltier inside the diode handle tips. So if you have any problem similarly, please contact Danny whatsapp 0086-18518945778.
2. Specifictaions Soprano ICE laser gun TEC cooler peltier
Thickness: 3.3mm
Since there are no moving parts, there is no vibration or noisy
With only a power cord, it is easy to handle
3. Application and Connection Guide Soprano ICE laser gun TEC cooler peltier
The TEC cooler can be used to alma soprano ice handle piece of laser hair removal machine
Red line is TEC+, black line is TEC-
Any more question please contact Danny whatsapp 0086-18518945778